7 Best Anti-Itch Creams

To the rescue are anti-itch creams that serve various purposes, including soothing sunburns, mosquito bites and conditions like eczema. Some formulas work better than others, depending on your symptoms and the cause behind your itch. What you want is relief — and you want it fast — so choosing the best option is key. From our research, these are the best, dermatologist-recommended anti-itch creams.


1. Best overall- Sarna Original Anti-Itch Moisturizing Lotion 

Containing both camphor and menthol, this lotion instantly soothes the skin while providing a cooling sensation. It also moisturizes, so it won't leave the skin feeling dry or irritated. You can safely use this product daily — and for extra comfort, she suggests putting it in the refrigerator for an enhanced cooling effect.

2. Best for Dry or Sunburned Skin: Vaseline Intensive Care Soothing Hydration With Aloe 

You thought you applied sunscreen every hour while you lounged at the beach, but you somehow still ended up with a sunburn. Or maybe your skin leans on the dry side, no matter the season.

3. Best for Sensitive Skin: Vanicream 1% Hydrocortisone Cream

While some people can try any and all skin and beauty products they desire without worry, those with sensitive skin have to stick to the basics to prevent breakouts, redness or other ailments. This cream contains 1-percent hydrocortisone to reduce inflammation. 

4. Best Cooling: Eucerin Itch Relief Intensive Calming Lotion

When you need to scratch an itch, sometimes you seek hydration. Other times, when your itch feels hot or super-inflamed, you yearn for cooling relief. It also contains ceramides to help support the skin barrier and vitamin E to help soothe and heal the skin. It can be used daily and won't leave the skin feeling greasy. Which makes it a good pick for sensitive skin.

5. Best for Allergic Reactions: Benadryl Itch Stopping Gel, Extra Strength

You may have potentially come in contact with poison ivy, and now you're experiencing what's known as contact dermatitis. This clinical term describes a reaction that appears when the skin comes into contact with an irritant or an allergen. This formula works by blocking the histamine response that causes itching and inflammation associated with allergic reaction. It also contains a topical analgesic — 2 percent diphenhydramine hydrochloride — to reduce the pain and discomfort that comes with itching and inflammation.

6. Best for Eczema: CeraVe Cream

If you have atopic dermatitis — or eczema — you know itchy flare-ups can happen. They tend to be more common in the colder months, and unfortunately, the condition is chronic with no cure. You should work with your dermatologist for a treatment plan, but most will recommend trying CeraVe Cream, says Morgana Colombo, MD. CeraVe has ceramides, she says, or molecules important to creating our skin barrier, which is disrupted when you have eczema. "One common complaint about moisturizers in people with eczema is that their skin dries out quickly after applying a moisturizer," she says. "The added ceramides basically allow the skin to retain moisture and for the moisturizing effects of the cream to be more long-lasting."

7. Best for Bug Bites: Cortizone 10 Maximum Strength Aloe Anti-Itch Creme

When a barbecue in your backyard or an evening sitting around the fire has led to more mosquito bites than you can count, it's time to apply Cortizone cream ASAP. This anti-itch formula marries hydrocortisone with skin-soothing aloe to target inflammation and itching associated with bug bites