Palmoplantar Psoriasis

The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet can get infected with palmoplantar psoriasis, a chronic skin condition. It is a type of psoriasis, an inflammatory disorder that presents as red, scaly, and frequently itchy patches throughout the body.

Although the precise origin of palmoplantar psoriasis is unknown, it is believed to be a result of genetic, environmental, and immune system abnormalities. Numerous factors, including as stress, infections, skin injuries, tobacco, alcohol, and certain drugs, can trigger the disease.

Topical drugs such corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams, and vitamin D analogues, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms, may be used to treat palmoplantar psoriasis. In many instances, systemic drugs like biologics or phototherapy (exposure to UV light) may also be used to assist manage symptoms.

Modifying one's lifestyle can assist manage palmoplantar psoriasis in addition to medication. This can entail taking care of your skin, avoiding things that can make your symptoms worse, and wearing cozy, supportive shoes.

The treatment for palmoplantar psoriasis may not be suitable for everyone, and outcomes can differ depending on the severity of the problem, the patient's skin type, and other aspects of their lifestyle and general health. In order to control your symptoms and enhance your quality of life, a dermatologist can assist in evaluating your specific requirements and creating an effective treatment plan.

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