A Beginner's Guide to Skincare

By: Dr. Colombo

Whether you are just starting your skincare journey or looking to revamp your routine you can benefit from our ultimate beginner’s guide to skincare.

Your skin is one of the most important organs on your body (and it’s definitely the one that gets the most attention) so it deserves all of the TLC in the world.

So, what is the best skincare routine? The truth is, it can be whatever you want it to be! However, we are covering some of the basic essentials, below.


A cleaner is one of the most important parts of your skincare routine as it keeps your skin clear of bacteria, dirt, makeup, and more.

Aim for cleansing each morning and evening when possible.


The next essential step in any skincare routine is to find a great moisturizer that fits your needs.

The moisturizing process should come directly after the cleansing period in the morning and the evening.

Your dermatologist will be able to recommend the best moisturizer based on your individual skin needs. Different moisturizers contain different active ingredients to address common skin concerns such as wrinkles, pigmentation issues, dryness, acne, and more.


Find a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 (broad-spectrum, always) to protect your skin from harmful UV rays! Obviously, this is best for daytime use, however, there are nighttime creams that contain SPF which may bring an added benefit to your skin.

Where to Go for the Best Online Skincare

At Skintap, our team of skincare experts are board-certified and highly trained to help address many common skin concerns.

We are also proud to offer the best treatments and skincare products to help get your skin glowing, gorgeous, and most importantly, healthy!

Schedule a consultation today.