Kybella-An Injectable That Destroys Fat
What is Kybella?
Kybella is popularly known as an injectable that permanently destroy submental fat. Submental fat is fat located below the chin. Kybella, produced by the pharmaceutical company called Allergan, is used to destroy deoxycholic acid in fat cells.
Its important to note that Kybella uses a natural occurring molecule in the body known as dexoycholic acid is what your body typically uses to absorb fats — it’s normally found in the bile produced by your liver. When injected, the acid breaks down fats.
What to Expect with Kybella
In usually 2-4 treatments, patients can see the results of Kybella actually permanently destroying the submental (below the chin) fat.
Kybella is not a substitute for weight loss and is not considered a weight loss treatment. This fat reduction treatment is best for those with a stable weight.
Each Kybella treatment is about fifteen minutes long. Your board-certified dermatologist may request that you come in early for topical numbing to be applied prior to injecting. During the treatment, Kybella will be injected multiple times under your chin. Again, exact numbers vary as each injector will decide what best suits your needs.